CASE Construction Equipment sells and supports a full line of construction equipment around the world, including the No. 1 loader/backhoes, excavators, motor graders, wheel loaders, vibratory compaction rollers, crawler dozers, skid steers, compact track loaders and rough-terrain forklifts. Through CASE dealers, customers have access to a true professional partner with world-class equipment and aftermarket support, industry-leading warranties and flexible financing.
CASE Construction Equipment is a brand of CNH Industrial N.V., a World leader in Capital Goods listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNHI) and on the Mercato Telematico Azionario of the Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). More information about CNH Industrial can be found online at www.cnhindustrial.com.
Alarcón & Harris has been the central communication agency of Case Construction Equipment for Europe, Africa and the Middle East and currently collaborates as a copywriter for the countries of Asia and Africa.
CNH Industrial
Maquinaria Spain, S.A.
Avda Aragón, 402
28022, Madrid (España)
+39 0267135775